Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Mystery Key

It's all about the mystery really. No one knows what life will bring. I only know that I have hope of more. More what? More closeness to one special person. More love to share. More adventures and new stories to experience and tell, or not. Winter sequestering gives one time to wonder. Sometimes too much time. One can only read so many books, watch so many films, entertain neighborhood children so long, visit Mom, clean house, cook because it smells and tastes good and relaxes me. I would like to think I was a good enough writer to write a novel but I don't know about that one. I have started a few times but only get so far and then get distracted and if I'm the writer and get bored, well, what about the reader then? So, I stop.

I am unsure of most things. The mystery keeps me wondering. What door opens, what window, what heart?
Where is the sun? Is there a sun? I haven't seen it for so long.

It all moves along so quickly. My students are grown and have kids of their own. My friends' children are really no longer babies but little people or even grown people. And the days just pass, blink, flash, gone.

I want more. I don't want to settle for less and know I won't. I want to feel my heart beat out of my chest again like when I was riding in the mountains or going somewhere I've never been before. I like the thrill of mystery and anticipation and I hang on tightly to hope.

Today mystery is the key.


  1. May it come to you soon. You deserve nothing less.

  2. Love the new pictures. Answered some of your questions. Thanks for stopping by.

    If hope springs eternal then one must always take a good drink and sit down to enjoy the spring.

